Monday, February 18, 2008

Workin at the Stickman

It is time that I hire another employee and possibly two. What am I looking for in a employee? Well they need to like coffee if not don't even bother. On top of that they should like my coffee that is coffee we use here at Stickman. Two you need to like people. I like people who aren't afraid to work hard. No whiners please. Experience as barista is not necessary but bar tending, waitressing or high volume stressful retail experience is a definite bonus. Not that we are high volume yet and hopefully never stressful. If you or someone you love (or maybe you don't love) would fit the bill then bring your resume down to Stickman Coffee. I will probably hire some right away then another in a few weeks and as summer approaches another person or two depending on my needs.

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Stickman Concert series Feb 1st and 2nd

Come check out some fine local musicians and drink some fine Borogove Coffee at the Stickman.

Shows start at 8pm

Friday, Feb 1st
Norey and Tod Davies, two folk singers

Saturday, Feb 2nd
The Whisky Swillers